Country legislation
Criminal Procedure Code [ AR ]
Law on the Judicial Organisation [ FR ]
Code of Military Justice [ AR / FR ]
Law on the fight against terrorism [ AR / FR ]
Law on Torture [ FR ]
Law on Audiovisual Communication [ FR ]
Statutes of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission [ FR ]
Dahir (decree) on the right to establish associations [ AR / FR ]
Dahir (decree) establishing the National Human Rights Council [ AR / FR ]
The National Commission For Integrity And Prevention Of Bribery Law (2015) [ AR ]
Audiovisual Communication Law No. 11-15 on the re-organization of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (2016) [ AR ]

Only available in French
Lutte contre les disparitions forcées au Maroc : une affaire « du passé » ?