United Arab Emirates
Criminal Procedure Code [ EN / AR ]
Federal Decree-Law No. 7/2018 amending the Criminal Procedure Code [ AR ]
Federal Decree-Law No. 35/2020 amending the Criminal Procedure Code [ EN / AR ]
Decree No. 7/2016 amending certain provisions of the Penal Code [ AR ]
2021 Penal Code [ AR ]
Anti-Terrorism Law [ EN / AR ]
Federal Decree Law No. 5/2012 on Combating Cybercrimes [ EN / AR ]
Federal Decree Law No. 34/2021 on Combating Rumours and Cybercrime [ AR ]
Federal Supreme Court Law [ EN / AR ]
Press and Publishing Law [ EN / AR ]
State Security Law [ EN / AR ]
Prison Regulations [ EN ]
Foreign Workers Employment Law [ EN ]
Law on Associations [ EN ]
Law Regulating the Legal Profession [ AR ]
Ministerial Decision No. 220/2017 on the Establishment of a Federal Public Prosecution specialized in Cybercrimes [ AR ]
Federal Decree No.11/2016 on regulating the competencies of the National Media Council [ AR ]
Federal Decree No.3/2016 on the Rights of the Child [ AR ]
Ministerial Decision No.1093/2017 on the On the Establishment of the Prosecution of Execution of Penal Judgments [ AR ]
Ministerial Decision No. 535/2019 on the application procedure for those on domestic terrorism lists to use part of their frozen funds [ AR ]
Ministerial Decision No. 536/2019 on the Mechanism of Appeal against Decisions to be included on the UAE list of terrorists [ AR ]
Central Bank Board of Directors Resolution No. 49/04/2019 on measures to counter money-laundering and combat the financing of terrorism and financing of illegal organizations (issued on 13/6/2019 ) [ EN / AR ]
Council Of Ministers Resolution No. 20/2019 on the UAE list of terrorists and the implementation of UN Security Council decisions relating to the prevention of counter-terrorism financing, leveraging the non-proliferation of WMDs, and relevant resolutions [ AR ]
Federal Decrees
Federal Decree No. 5/2012 on combatting cybercrimes [ AR ]
Federal Decree-Law No. (34) of 2021, regarding combating rumors and cybercrime [ AR ]
Federal Decree No. 20/2018 on combatting money laundering and terrorist financing [ AR ]
Federal Decree No. 12/2021 on the National Commission for Human Rights [AR]
Federal Law No. 2/2003 on the State Security Apparatus [AR]
Federal Decree Law No. 28/2019 on the Establishment of the National Munasaha Centre [AR]