
Country legislation

Draft Constitution, 2003 [ EN / AR ]

Main Law, 2003 [ AR ]

Code of Criminal Procedure, 2001 [ EN / AR ]

Cybercrime Law 2017 [ EN ]

Juvenile Offenders Law, 1937 [ AR ]

Public Meetings Law, 1998 [ AR ]

Palestinian Prisoner and Former Prisoners in Israel Law, 2004 [ AR ]

Law on Charitable and Community Associations, 2000 [ EN / AR ]

Law on Formation of Regular Courts, 2001 [ AR ]

The Formation of Palestinian Civil Courts, 2000 [ AR ]

Palestinian Constitutional Court Law, 2006 [ AR ]

Reform and Rehabilitation Centres Law, 1998  [ AR ]

Reform of the Juvenile Law, 1954  [ AR ]

Rules of Procedure, Palestinian Legislative Council, 2000 [ AR ]

Regulating the Legal Profession Law, 1999  [ AR ]

Rules of Procedure Palestinian Bar Association, Amendments, 2003 [ AR ]

Rules of Procedure of the Board of Commissioners of the National Human Rights Institution, 2015 [ AR ]

Presidential Decree on the Determination of the Mandate of Ministry of NGO Affairs, 1999 [ AR ]

Legislative Decree No. 37/2018: Amendment to Anti-Corruption Law No. 1/2005, as amended [ AR ]

Legislative Decree No. 24/2017: Establishment of a Grand Criminal Court) [ AR ]

Legislative Decree No. 08/2017: Establishment of Working Group in relation to the  International Criminal Court [ AR ]

Legislative Decree No. 19/2017: Amendment to Supreme Constitutional Court Law No. 3/2006 [ AR ]

Legislative Decree No. 11/2017: Regulation of the Exercise of the Right to Strike among Workers of Public Service [ AR ]

Legislative Decree No. 13/2016: Amendment to Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance Law No. 20/2015 [ AR ]

Israeli law

Criminal Procedure Law, 1982 [ EN ]

Terrorism Financing Law, 2004 [ EN ]

Counter-terrorism Law, 2016 [ EN ]

Unlawful Combatants Law, 2002 [ EN ]

Order Regarding Administrative Detentions, 2007 [ EN ]

Order Regarding Security Provisions, 2009 [ EN ]

Prevention of Terror Ordinance, 1948 [ EN ]

Prisons Ordinance, 1971 [ EN ]
