Advocacy / Algeria

Algeria: Arbitrary travel bans against critics
Algerian authorities have increasingly used arbitrary travel bans to retaliate against perceived critics, Human Rights Watch and MENA Rights Group said. The authorities should lift the arbitrary bans and stop using them as a tool to repress dissent.

UN Secretary-General’s 2024 report highlights reprisals against human rights defenders in the MENA
MENA Rights Group provides a summary of the UNSG's main concerns over reprisals against human rights defenders in the MENA region, particularly in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Yemen.

Calling for the end of the crackdown on fundamental freedoms in Algeria
On 1 July 2024, during the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, professor Mouloud Boumghar delivered a joint statement on behalf of 14 organisations during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. He addressed the crackdown on fundamental freedoms by the Algerian authorities and called them to repeal repressive laws.

Algérie : Libérez les détenu(e)s d'opinion
MENA Rights Group se joint à 9 organisations de la société civile pour exhorter les autorités algériennes à libérer tous les prisonniers d'opinion et à garantir les droits à la liberté de la presse et les libertés d'expression, d'association et de réunion.

Liberté de la presse en Algérie : l'expression libre n'est pas un crime
A l'occasion de la journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, MENA Rights Group rejoint 7 organisations des droits humains qui appellent les autorités algériennes à libérer immédiatement et sans condition l'ensemble des journalistes et des défenseur·e·s des droits humains actuellement arbitrairement détenu·e·s en Algérie, ainsi que garantir la pratique libre de la presse et les droits des journalistes.

Algeria: Detainees must be released and civic space opened
As part of the Ramadan #ReleaseThem campaign, MENA Rights Group joins local and international civil society organisations in calling on Algerian authorities to release unjustly imprisoned detainees for expressing their opinions or peacefully exercising their freedoms, and to open up civic space to civil society actors in order to ensure the unhindered exercise of their missions towards the rule of law.

Algérie : après cinq années de contestation, le rétrécissement de l’espace civique s’étend au-delà de la rive sud de la Méditerranée
Depuis cinq ans et le début du mouvement de protestation du Hirak, les défenseur·es des droits humains et les activistes font face à une répression de grande ampleur, les poussant parfois à l’exil. Dans ce contexte, MENA Rights Group et les organisations signataires expriment leur inquiétude et appellent à la fin de cette répression, exhortant les autorités algériennes à respecter les droits fondamentaux consacrés. Elles enjoignent par ailleurs les autorités françaises à mettre fin au harcèlement des militant·es présent·es sur leur territoire et à garantir la liberté d’expression.

Algeria: Reactions following the visit of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders
MENA Rights Group joins 10 civil society organisations in supporting the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders marking the end of her visit to Algeria.

UN Special Rapporteur’s visit to Algeria: a renewed opportunity for reform and release of imprisoned activists
Ahead of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders' visit to Algeria, MENA Rights Group joined a coalition of civil society organisations in calling on Algerian authorities to release all human rights defenders and activists currently detained, and to end their crackdown on fundamental rights and freedoms.

Joint statement: truth and justice for the disappeared in Algeria
MENA Rights Group joins 30+ signatories (civil society organisations and relatives of the disappeared) in condemning the Algerian authorities' use of the Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation as a means of impunity for those disappeared during the 1990's conflict. Furthermore, we recommend the creation of a Charter for Truth, Peace and Justice.