Advocacy / Algeria

Algeria: Spain forsakes international obligations in appalling refoulement of Algerian whistleblower

March 30, 2022

A coalition of NGOs strongly condemns the deportation by Spain of Algerian activist Mohamed Benhalima, in the evening of 24 March 2022, despite the risks of torture and serious human rights violations he faces in Algeria, and therefore in blatant violation of Spain's international obligations on non-refoulement. The authorities had been made aware, through civil society and legal appeals, that Mr Benhalima faces a high risk of torture, arbitrary detention and unfair trial in Algeria, where such violations are increasingly common against prisoners of opinion and peaceful activists.

Algeria: Unprecedented repression threatens survival of independent civil society

March 08, 2022

During the 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, MENA Rights Group supported a joint oral intervention, led by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, condemning the Algerian authorities’ mounting repression of peaceful opposition and independent civil society. The organisations urged the international community to support Algerian human rights defenders who are facing imprisonment on the basis of overly broad terrorism charges.

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Algeria: Escalating repression threatens the survival of independent civil society

February 22, 2022

On the third anniversary of Algeria’s pro-democracy protest movement, Hirak, the undersigned organisations express their strong concern at the dangerous intensification of Algerian authorities’ repressive tactics to silence peaceful dissent and stifle civil society. The arrests of human rights defenders Zaki Hannache and Faleh Hammoudi respectively on 18 and 19 February – the latter condemned to three years imprisonment on 20 February in the first instance – are the latest examples of these repressive tactics

Algeria: Marked regression in human rights underscored by proliferation of baseless terrorism prosecutions

December 24, 2021

A coalition of 11 NGOs  raises serious concerns over the sustained repression of fundamental freedoms and legitimate human rights work in Algeria, including the marked proliferation of prosecutions on baseless terrorism charges against human rights defenders, journalists and peaceful activists.

Algeria: Authorities must not allow another preventable death in detention

December 21, 2021

NGOs raise serious concerns for physical and psychological integrity of prisoner of conscience Abdallah Benaoum subjected to long-term judicial harassment.

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Algeria: effort to dissolve prominent civic association

October 12, 2021

Government’s court case against RAJ threatens freedom of association.

Joint oral intervention on the deteriorating situation of human rights in Algeria

September 29, 2021

Joint oral intervention by Nada Awad of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council, during a discussion on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests, held on September 29, 2021.

Crisis of Inaction on Enforced Disappearances in Africa

August 30, 2021

Research by NGO coalition shows that underreporting and political disregard are undermining victims’ fight for justice

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82 civil society organisations call on states to take action to address the Algerian authorities' alarming crackdown on pro-democracy forces during HRC 47

June 17, 2021

In response to the Algerian government’s crackdown on opposition and independent forces in the country, MENA Rights Group, in cooperation with 81 Algerian, regional and international human rights organisations, sent a letter to the member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling for urgent action on Algeria at the upcoming 47th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The signatory organisations urged member states to adopt a demand to promptly open independent, impartial and effective investigations into allegations of torture and other ill-treatment perpetrated by the Algerian authorities against citizens peacefully expressing their opinions or demonstrating. The letter also called on the United Nations to take a more assertive public stance to protect Algerians and their rights to peaceful expression, association and assembly. Attached to the letter is a briefing containing more information on the developments in Algeria’s human rights situation between March and May 2021.

There must be truth and justice for Algeria’s disappeared

March 03, 2021

The 2006 Charter on National Peace and Reconciliation continues to undermine justice in Algeria.