Brothers disappeared from their homes by Iraqi army since 2014

Brothers disappeared from their homes by Iraqi army since 2014

On July 27, 2014, the Iraqi army conducted several arrests in the neighbourhoods surrounding Al Amin Mosque in Mahmoudiyah, including the arrests of Mohammad and Ahmad Al Abadi.Their fates and whereabouts remain unknown.

On July 27, 2014, members of the Iraqi army, wearing military uniform, conducted several arrests in the neighbourhoods surrounding Al Amin Mosque, Madain district, Mahmoudiyah, Iraq. Mohammad Al Abadi was arrested in his home whilst Ahmad Al Abadi was arrested at his parents’ house. Whilst being arrested, the brothers experienced mistreatment and were not presented with arrest warrants. Family members witnessed the arrests.

The day after the arrests took place, the family submitted a complaint, in relation to the abductions, at the Police Station of Mahmoudiyah. On August 3, 2014, the family also searched for the brothers at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Baghdad, Baghdad Airport Prison, Muthana Airport Prison and Al Taji Camp in Baghdad, to no avail.

On June 12, 2020, MENA Rights Group and the Iraqi War Crimes Documentation Center requested the urgent intervention of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances, urging the Iraqi authorities take urgent action to locate them, place them under the protection of the law, and identify the perpetrators.

The Al Abadi brothers’ fate and whereabouts remain unknown.



June 12, 2020: MENA Rights Group and the Iraqi War Crimes Documentation Center request the urgent intervention of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances.
August 3, 2014: The family search for the brothers at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Baghdad, Baghdad Airport Prison, Muthana Airport Prison and Al Taji Camp in Baghdad, to no avail.
July 28, 2014: The family submit a complaint, in relation to the abductions, at the Police Station of Mahmoudiyah.
July 27, 2014: Mohammad and Ahmad Al Abadi are arrested and disappear.
