Syrian refugee Bashar Abed Al Saoud dies under the custody of the Lebanese State Security
November 28, 2022: Several UN experts, including the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, send a communication to the Lebanese authorities asking them why the investigations and trial proceedings into Al-Saud’s death were transferred to the Lebanese military justice system.
September 8, 2022: MENA Rights Group submits an urgent appeal to several UN special procedures mandate holders.
September 7, 2022: Al Saoud’s family files a complaint of torture before the Public Prosecutor of the Cassation Court.
September 3, 2022: State Security contacts Al Saoud’s family informing them that they could come and collect his body at the Tebnin Governmental Hospital.
September 2, 2022: Five officers allegedly involved in the torture of Al Saoud are arrested after news of his death is reported in the press.
August 31, 2022: Bashar Abed Al Saoud’s body is sent to the Tebnin Governmental Hospital after he was tortured to death.
August 30, 2022: Bashar Abed Al Saoud is arrested by members of the State Security.
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Abdelrahman Al-Qaradawi is an Egyptian-Turkish citizen living and working in Turkey. He is also a well-known poet, artist and activist of Egyptian descent whose creative work reflects his thoughts, opinions and concerns about political and social issues across the Middle East and North Africa region.