Advocacy / Saudi Arabia

Joint letter calling on US President Biden to secure real progress on human rights ahead of possible visit to Saudi Arabia

June 09, 2022

Given numerous media reports that US President Biden will imminently visit Saudi Arabia and meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 13 organizations write to express their deep concerns and urge the Biden administration to secure genuine progress on human rights with the Saudi State, which routinely and callously abuses the rights of its own citizens, as well as others around the world.

Saudi Arabia: Free social media activist Dr. Lina Alsharif

June 03, 2022

The undersigned human rights organisations call on the Saudi authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Dr. Lina Alsharif, who has been arbitrarily detained in Saudi Arabia for over a year as a result of her social media activism. On 11 May 2022, Dr. Alsharif marked her 34th birthday in Al-Ha'ir prison in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments

May 30, 2022

Open letter urging Alphabet shareholders to use their vote at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on June 1, 2022, to ensure that Alphabet upholds basic human rights principles before it proceeds with its cloud region plan in Saudi Arabia.

Joint statement: Rights groups call for the release of Waleed Abu al-Khair on the eighth anniversary of his arrest

April 15, 2022

Today, April 15, marks the eighth anniversary of the arrest of Saudi human rights defender Waleed Abu al-Khair, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence on charges related to his legitimate human rights activities. Right Livelihood, ALQST for Human Rights, MENA Rights Group, and Democracy for the Arab World Now urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release him and all human rights defenders detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom of peaceful assembly.

Don’t sportswash human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and the UAE: NGOs write to Formula One CEO ahead of Grand Prix

December 02, 2021

In a joint letter, 16 human rights organisations call on the CEO of Formula One Group to end sportswashing ahead of the Grand Prix that will take place in Saudi Arabia and the UAE in December 2021 and, instead, to use this event as a platform to highlight human rights violations perpetrated by these regimes.

US Congress: Block the Biden administration's $650 million arms sale to Saudi Arabia

November 29, 2021

In a joint-letter signed by 46 organisations, MENA Rights Group joins a coalition of NGOs calling on the US Congress to oppose the Biden administration's plan to sell air-to-air missiles and hundreds of missile launders to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. According to the undersigned NGOs, the sale of such weapons to Saudi Arabia would violate existing laws that prohibit the United States from providing arms and security assistance to gross human rights violators and those restricting access to humanitarian assistance.

Killing of jailed reformer Musa al-Qarni highlights use of torture in Saudi prisons

October 19, 2021

On October 19, 2021, ALQST for Human Rights, DAWN and MENA Rights Group expressed their shock over the brutal murder of Saudi dissident Musa al-Qarni in Dhahban prison.

Ten Nubian Egyptians charged after being arbitrarily detained in Saudi Arabia for more than a year

September 24, 2021

 Ten Egyptian nationals belonging to Nubian civic associations in Saudi Arabia have finally been charged, more than a year after being arrested and arbitrarily detained without access to a lawyer or family visits, for exercising their right to free association and assembly. They are scheduled to be brought to trial in November.

NGOs denounce systematic practice of arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia

September 20, 2021

On September 20, 2021, Right Livelihood, ALQST, International Service for Human Rights and MENA Rights Group delivered a joint oral statement before the Human Rights Council (HRC) during the interactive dialogue with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, denouncing the systematic imprisonment of human rights defenders and peaceful dissidents in Saudi Arabia.

Google Should Halt Plans to Establish Cloud Region in Saudi Arabia

May 26, 2021

The undersigned human rights and digital rights organizations urge Google to immediately halt its plan to establish a new Google Cloud region in Saudi Arabia until the company can publicly demonstrate how it will mitigate adverse human rights impacts.