Mohammad Al Sayed disappeared since 2012 arrest by Syrian government forces

Mohammad Al Sayed disappeared since 2012 arrest by Syrian government forces

Mohammad Al Sayed was arrested on September 22, 2012 at a checkpoint in Slanfah, in the Latakia governorate of Syria. He remains missing to date.

Mohammad Al Sayed, an employee in a construction company in Latakia and father of two children, was abducted at a checkpoint in Slanfah, in the Latakia governorate, on September 22, 2012 by members of the military security services and the armed forces.

Al Sayed’s family was unofficially informed that, following his arrest, he was brought directly to the Latakia branch of the military security services. However, when his relatives went to the branch one week after the arrest to enquire about his fate and whereabouts, the authorities denied his presence on their premises.

In October 2015, his family went to Damascus and enquired about his fate and whereabouts with the military police in Qaboun, the anti-terrorism court, and the judicial palace, but to no avail.


February 7, 2019: MENA Rights Group requests intervention of UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances
October, 2015: Family enquiries about his fate and whereabouts with authorities in Damascus.
September 22, 2012: Arrested by the military security services and armed forces in Slanfah.