CSOs express deep concern at the systematic human rights violations in Saudi Arabia

March 18, 2024

On March 15, 2024, Right Livelihood, ALQST for Human Rights and MENA Rights Group delivered a joint oral statement before the Human Rights Council (HRC), during the general debate of its 55th session, highlighting the systematic human rights violations committed by Saudi authorities.

ALQST's Head of Monitoring Lina al-Hathloul delivers the joint oral statement on behalf of MENA Rights Group, ALQST and Right Livelihood during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council. © UN Web TV.

Mr. President, 

Right Livelihood, ALQST for Human Rights and MENA Rights Group express deep concern at the systematic human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. 

Saudi Arabians are now living in a police state, with no civic freedoms, no formal constitution or criminal code. There, 2024 is likely to remain a year of repression, as human rights defenders languish in prison and draconian counter-terrorism and cybercrime laws continue to be used against anyone exercising their fundamental freedoms. 

Those defending basic human rights are not only facing extremely lengthy sentences, such as Salma al-Shehab but are subjected to torture and inhumane treatment. Right Livelihood Laureate Waleed Abu al-Khair, who is serving a 15-year sentence for his activism, has been routinely subjected to beatings,  solitary confinement and medical neglect. We deplore the authorities' recent denial of a hospital transfer for medical treatment that he needs.  

In addition, human rights defenders who complete their sentences, see them extended or face enforced disappearance, such as Mohammed al-Qahtani, forcibly disappeared since October 2022. 

Mr President, 

The plight of Saudi Arabians must not be forgotten. We thus call on the Council to urge Saudi Arabia to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, stop its persecution of peaceful activists and unconditionally release all human rights defenders arbitrarily detained.

Thank you.

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