Advocacy / Egypt

Egypt: Rights groups renew call to downgrade National Council for Human Rights for lack of independence

July 11, 2024

MENA Rights Group, The Committee for Justice (CFJ), and the Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR) renewed their call on the Sub-Committee on Accreditation to downgrade the status of Egypt's National Human Rights Institution for its lack of compliance with the Paris Principles, namely independence.

Egypt: UN experts call on government to stop targeting and retaliating against human rights lawyers

June 12, 2024

MENA Rights Group joins 27 organisations in condemning the Egyptian government's intimidation and reprisals against lawyers and calling for the immediate release of all lawyers and human rights defenders detained for their work.

Egypt: Immediately and unconditionally release prominent political activist Mohamed Adel

May 08, 2024

MENA Rights Group joins 80+ organisations in reiterating their call on the Egyptian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release prominent political activist Mohamed Adel, who has been arbitrarily detained for 5 years, amid mounting concern over his cruel and inhuman detention conditions and denial of adequate medical care.

NGOs renew their call for the release of Egyptian lawyer Hoda Abdel Moneim

April 29, 2024

MENA Rights Group joins 15+ civil society organisations in urging Egyptian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release lawyer and human rights defender Hoda Abdel Moneim who has been arbitrarily detained for more than 2,000 days.

Joint Statement: Egyptian authorities must end arbitrary detentions and forced deportations of Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers

March 28, 2024

MENA Rights Group joins 25+ civil society organisations in urging Egyptian authorities to immediately stop targeting Sudanese asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants for arbitrary arrest, detention and forced deportations.

Joint statement: 13 years after Mubarak's ouster, unprecedented repression and economic instability in Egypt

February 12, 2024

Marking 13 years since the ousting of Egyptian autocrat Mubarak, MENA Rights Group joins 18 civil society organisations in calling on Egyptian authorities to release thousands of unjustly detained persons, end the use of enforced disappearance, extrajudicial killing and torture, halt attacks against independent media and civil society, and to uphold basic human rights and freedoms.

Bahrain and Egypt’s National Human Rights Institutions raise concerns at the UN

December 06, 2023

MENA Rights Group welcomes the Sub-Committee on Accreditation's decision to defer the review of Bahrain and Egypt's National Human Rights Institutions, which cited their lack of compliance with the Paris Principles.

Bahrain and Egypt's National Human Rights Institutions failing to protect human rights

October 23, 2023

Led by MENA Rights Group, 17 civil society organisations urged the Sub-Committee on Accreditation not to grant Bahrain and Egypt's National Human Rights Institutions status "A" given that they fail to comply with the Paris principles.

Egypt: Statement demanding the release of journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada's father

September 06, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 40+ signatories in urging Egyptian authorities to release Gamal Abdelhamid Ziada, the father of human rights defender, journalist and former prisoner of conscience Ahmed Gamal Ziada. Furthermore, we call on authorities to cease their acts of reprisal against families of journalists and human rights defenders.

Egypt: The immediate release of activist Mohamed Adel demanded by human rights organisations

September 06, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 27 civil society organisations in calling on Egyptian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release political activist Mohamed Adel, to cease the targeting of individuals exercising their right to freedom of expression and to uphold basic human rights and the rule of law.