Advocacy / Egypt

In solidarity with Egyptian fact-checking and independent media platform Matsadaash

August 23, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 99+ signatories, including civil society organisations, in condemning the harassment of Egyptian independent media outlets and journalists.

Civil society organisations condemn sentencing of Egyptian academic and researcher Patrick George Zaki

July 18, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 40+ civil society organisations in condemning the Egyptian authorities' sentence against academic and researcher Patrick George Zaki for merely exercising his right to freedom of expression.

Egypt: detained academic at risk of death, Salah Soltan should be immediately released and offered treatment

May 03, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 50 human rights organisations in calling for the release of Salah Soltan. The Egyptian academic is held in arbitrary detention, and faces serious medical neglect which may lead to his death.

Joint letter – NGOs call on Secretary Blinken to urge Egypt to withdraw its upcoming NGO registration deadline

March 24, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 20 rights organisations in condemning Egyptian authorities' imposition of a deadline for all NGOs to register in accordance with the draconian 2019 NGO law. We call on Secretary Blinken to urge Egypt to withdraw the deadline.

32 civil society organisations condemn the referral of Mada Masr journalists to trial

March 16, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins a coalition of civil society organisations in calling on Egyptian authorities to drop the charges against three Mada Masr journalists in the context of a crackdown on independent media.

Solidarity statement with Egyptian poet Galal El Behairy on the 5th anniversary of his arbitrary arrest and his announcement of a hunger strike

March 13, 2023

MENA Rights Group joined 30 human rights organisations in signing a solidarity statement with arbitrarily detained Egyptian poet Galal El Behairy, who recently went on hunger strike. We urge the international community to pressure the Egyptian authorities into immediately and unconditionally releasing him.

Egypt: Rights Organizations Stand in Solidarity with the Complaint Filed with the African Commission against the Egyptian Government on Behalf of Ramy Shaath and Celine Lebrun-Shaath  

December 20, 2022

Solidarity statement with former political prisoner Ramy Shaath, and his wife Ms. Céline Lebrun-Shaath, in their complaint against the Egyptian government before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

#FreeSherifOsman: UAE must not extradite political commentator to Egypt, where he would face torture

December 19, 2022

Following the arrest and detention in the UAE of Egyptian political commentator Sherif Osman, who faces the threat of extradition to Egypt, MENA Rights Group joins a coalition of 25 human rights organisations calling for his immediate release.

Egypt – Ahmed Douma: 10 years of arbitrary detention

December 13, 2022

MENA Rights Group joins NGOS in urging Egyptian authorities to immediately release Douma and all those arbitrarily detained in Egypt.

Continued repression of Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights staff

November 30, 2022

MENA Rights Group joins NGOs in urging foreign embassies and the European Union Delegation to Egypt to call on the authorities to end reprisals against human rights defenders, including staff of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights.