Advocacy / Tunisia

Civil society groups call for end to crackdown in Tunisia

June 18, 2024

MENA Rights Group joins 11 civil society organisations in calling on Tunisian authorities to endthe ongoing crackdown on the rights to free expression and free association and to respect the human rights of everyone in the country, including migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

Tunisie : Solidarité internationale avec les avocat·es contre le retour à la dictature

May 15, 2024

MENA Rights Group rejoint 25 organisations pour publier une lettre en soutien aux avocat·es et activistes tunisien·nes emprisonné·es, brutalisé·es et malmené·es par le pouvoir dictatorial de Kais Saied et se tient aux côtés de celles et ceux qui se battent pour les droits et libertés en Tunisie.

Also available in French

Joint letter to the Tunisian government: do not extradite human rights defender Zakaria Hannache!

March 14, 2023

MENA Rights Group is joined by 16 human rights organisations in urging the Tunisian government not to extradite human rights defender Zakaria Hannache to Algeria, where he may face human rights abuses such as torture. Hannache is protected from refoulement by his refugee status, and the UN Committee against Torture has reiterated the Tunisian authorities' obligation to respect his international protection.

Also available in French

Risk of refoulement of asylum seeker in cooperation with Algerian authorities would mark a dangerous turning point for human rights for Tunisia

November 16, 2022

The undersigned organizations express their deep concern at the risk of refoulement of an Algerian asylum seeker - Zakaria Hannache - present in Tunisia since August 2022. Tunisian authorities must under no circumstances repeat the dangerous precedent set by the kidnapping and refoulement of Algerian refugee Slimane Bouhafs on 25 August, 2021, about which no investigation has been opened to date in Tunisia.

Lettre ouverte « Pour une réforme de la législation relative à l’état d’urgence en Tunisie respectueuse des droits humains » envoyée aux député-e-s de l’Assemblée des représentants du peuple

April 08, 2019

Le 5 avril 2019 Aux Membres de l’Assemblée des représentants du peuple Objet: Pour une réforme de la législation relative à l’état d’urgence en Tunisie respectueuse des droits humains