Annual report 2023

Dear friends and supporters,
As 2024 begins, it is with a heavy heart that our team is sharing its 2023 annual report. While gross human rights violations have continued to be committed throughout the region, our thoughts go to the civilians affected by the Israel-Palestine conflict, and particularly those in Gaza, who are, once again, under continued bombardment and siege. This unfolding genocide is marked by decades of apartheid and systematic oppression of Palestinians by Israel, and a climate of complete impunity. It also embodies the perpetration of gross human rights violations in the name of “security”, which is rampant throughout the region.
In fact, last year, we devoted a significant part of our resources to provide support to individuals who suffered abuses due to the misuse of so-called security or counter-terrorism measures. The security discourse has long become authoritarian regimes’ weapon of choice, with civilians and ordinary citizens bearing the brunt of conflict and injustice. In parallel, we continued to advocate for systemic structural change in the Middle East and North Africa, without which human rights violations will continue to occur.
2023 also marked five years since MENA Rights Group was founded. In 2024, we will be developing our new Strategic Framework, taking a step back to reflect on challenges and accomplishments, and striving to ensure the greatest impact and prioritising the best interests of victims we assist. We are also pleased that MENA Rights Group has now adopted the four-day workweek, which has allowed our team to be better rested, healthier, and more productive, ultimately allowing us to best serve those we support.
As we move forward, our team remains committed to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and empathy, and to work collaboratively with those in the human rights community so we can continue to disrupt oppression, and challenge injustice.
Last but not least, I want to honour victims and their families for placing their trust in our team, despite the risks they face and the egregious abuses they are subjected to. I also want to thank our partners, funders, and supporters, as well as our incredibly dedicated team and board members, without whom none of our achievements would have been possible.
In solidarity,
Inès Osman
Co-founder and director