Student Mahgoub Eltag Mahgoub Ibrahim arbitrarily executed by Sudanese security forces during peaceful protest at university campus

Student Mahgoub Eltag Mahgoub Ibrahim arbitrarily executed by Sudanese security forces during peaceful protest at university campus

On January 24, 2019, Mahgoub Ibrahim was beaten to death by members of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) during a peaceful protest at his university while trying to prevent female demonstrators from being beaten by NISS agents.

On January 24, 2019, Mahgoub Ibrahim took part in a peaceful protest at the University of Alrazi campus in Khartoum. The NISS was deployed to disperse the demonstration, and expelled Ibrahim along with other demonstrating students from the university buildings. Members of the NISS placed at the entrance of the university started to violently beat the female demonstrators. Ibrahim tried to protect his female classmates by standing unarmed between them and the NISS agents, shouting to “not hit the girls”. Members of the NISS proceeded to brutally beat him to death.

Ibrahim was already deceased when he was transferred to the hospital. An autopsy was performed on his body, and the forensic report concluded that the cause of his death was a traumatic brain injury. The NISS prohibited the hospital staff from providing the family with a copy of the forensic report of the autopsy.

To date, Ibrahim’s relatives have not been able to file a complaint before the prosecution, and no investigation has been initiated into his death.

The use of force resulting in the death of Ibrahim is part of the violent crackdown on nationwide protests that have been taking place in Sudan since mid-December 2018.


February 28, 2019: MENA Rights Group refers the case to the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
January 24, 2019: Beaten to death by the NISS while protecting female peaceful protesters.

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