Analysis / Lebanon

Op-ed: After Qaradawi case, no Arab League state is safe for dissidents

As long as Arab states prioritise authoritarian interests over individual rights and freedoms, cases like Qaradawi's will remain the norm, says Inès Osman.

Lebanese authorities fail to protect the right to peaceful assembly during the Freedom March of 30 September 2023

In this analysis, we argue that Lebanese authorities failed to protect - and in some instances, violated - the right to peaceful assembly during a large protest in Beirut held on September 30, 2023. Referring to a letter of allegation submitted to the UN Special Rapporteurs on freedom of peaceful assembly and on freedom of expression, we reiterate our call on Lebanese authorities to investigate the matter.

Lebanon: More needs to be done to safeguard the rights of refugees, says UN Human Rights Committee

On April 6, 2022, the Human Rights Committee evaluated Lebanon’s efforts to tackle violence against women, including domestic and sexual violence, safeguard the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrant domestic workers in light of its last Concluding Observations. Regarding the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Lebanon, MENA Rights Group and the Global Detention Project published a joint report explaining the ways in which the situation has worsened since 2018. Echoing our concerns, the Committee found that the State of Lebanon failed to implement most recommendations addressing the matter.

Study on the protection of lawyers against undue interference in Lebanon

On December 6, 2021, MENA Rights Group and the Prisoners’ Rights Center of the Tripoli Bar Association provided the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers with information on the exercise of the lawyer's profession. The joint submission will help the Special Rapporteur prepare its forthcoming report to the Human Rights Council (2022) focusing on protection of lawyers from undue interferences lawyers may face in the free and independent exercise of the legal profession.