Advocacy / Lebanon

Beirut blast: joint letter to the UN Human Rights Council calling for international fact-finding mission

August 03, 2023

An open letter from Lebanese and international organisations, survivors and families of victims urging the Permanent Representative of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council to support the adoption of a resolution by the United Nations Human Rights Council at its 54th regular session to establish an international, independent and impartial fact-finding mission into human rights violations related to the Beirut port explosion of 4 August 2020.

Ruling against Sadek sets dangerous precedent for freedom of opinion in Lebanon

July 17, 2023

As part of the “Freedom of Opinion and Expression Coalition” in Lebanon, MENA Rights Group strongly condemns judicial decisions aimed at suppressing freedom of expression, especially the charges against journalist & media personality Dima Sadek.

Lebanon: 5 years on, no tangible progress in enforcing anti-torture law

June 26, 2023

In honor of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, local civil society organisations joined MENA Rights Group in urging Lebanese authorities to enforce Lebanon’s Anti-Torture Law No. 65/2017.

Joint Open Letter to the UNHCR in Lebanon

May 17, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 30+ organisations in calling on the UNHCR to increase cooperation and transparency with local organisations in order to address the unlawful deportations of Syrian refugees from Lebanon.

Lebanon: Court decision is a blow to freedom of expression and independence of lawyers

May 12, 2023

As part of the Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon, MENA Rights Group condemned the Beirut Bar Association's amendment of the code of ethics, which will now require lawyers to obtain prior permission from the President of the BBA before engaging in any public or media appearances or discussing legal issues on social media, and bans lawyers from criticising the President of the BBA and its council members.

Lebanon: Halt summary deportations of Syrian refugees

May 11, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 19 organisations in calling on Lebanese authorities to halt the deportation of Syrian refugees.

Global legal and rule of law community stands in solidarity with Lebanese lawyer Nizar Saghieh

April 20, 2023

MENA Rights Group joins 30+ organisations in expressing solidarity with Lebanese lawyer Nizar Saghieh who was subjected to reprisal by the Beirut Bar Association for his exercise of freedom of expression.

Global coalition of civil society and media organisations stand in solidarity with independent media outlets in Lebanon amid targeting

April 06, 2023

MENA Rights Group joined a coalition of civil society and media organisations in condemning the summoning of Lebanese journalists for exercising their rights. We call on Lebanese authorities to respect, uphold and protect freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

Coalition to defend freedom of expression: authorities must respect freedoms of the press and legal profession and fundamentally amend defamation laws

April 05, 2023

As part of the Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon, MENA Rights Group condemned the authorities' attempts to restrict freedom of expression by summoning journalists for investigation.

Boats of death: Killing borders and lost justice

February 06, 2023

On the Global Day of CommemorAction for the Dead, Missing and Forcefully Disappeared at Sea and the Borders, a group of civil society organisations reminds all of the tragic fates suffered by migrants and refugees attempting to leave Lebanon, and calls on Lebanese authorities and the international community to take action.