Analysis / Oman

Oman responds to UN member states’ recommendations issued during the country's last universal periodic review
On January 21, 2021, Oman’s human rights record was reviewed during Oman’s third periodic review before the UN Human Rights Council. The Omani delegation accepted 208 of the 264 recommendations it was presented with, took note of 49 of them and partially accepted and took note of 7 other recommendations. While Oman accepted the member states’ recommendation to ratify the ICCPR, the Omani delegation refrained from accepting recommendations geared towards abolishing the death penalty, amending legislation to protect fundamental freedoms in the country and withdrawing their reservations to previously ratified human rights instruments.

Oman’s human rights record reviewed at its third UPR session
On January 21, 2021, the Sultanate of Oman completed its third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) before the UN Human Rights Council. The UPR is a state-led review mechanism aimed at examining UN Member States’ human rights record. The review process allows other states to provide recommendations to the country under review. During this UPR session, Oman was presented with 264 recommendations, which it must now consider before reporting back during the Human Rights Council’s 47th session in June-July 2021, indicating which of these recommendations it has chosen to support, take note of, or reject.