Articles for Tunisia

Le défenseur des droits humains algérien Zaki Hannache ne court plus le risque d’être renvoyé de Tunisie

Le défenseur des droits humains algérien Zaki Hannache ne court plus le risque d’être renvoyé de Tunisie

Zakaria – également connu sous le nom de « Zaki » – Hannache est un défenseur des droits humains amazigh algérien. Depuis 2019, il documente les arrestations et les poursuites de prisonniers d’opinion, notamment en lien avec le mouvement de protestation pacifique Hirak. Il est devenu l’une des principales sources d’information sur la détention arbitraire de prisonniers d'opinion en Algérie, pour la société civile locale et internationale, ainsi que pour les mécanismes des droits humains de l’ONU.


Algerian human rights defender Zaki Hannache no longer at risk of forcible return from Tunisia

Algerian human rights defender Zaki Hannache no longer at risk of forcible return from Tunisia

Zakaria – also known as “Zaki” – Hannache is an Algerian Amazigh human rights defender. Since 2019, he has been documenting the arrests and prosecutions of prisoners of conscience, particularly in relation to the peaceful protest movement known as Hirak. He became one of the main sources of information on the arbitrary detention of prisoners of conscience in Algeria, for local and international civil society, as well as for the UN human rights mechanisms.


Mohamed Guefassa remains missing since 2016 arrest by Tunisian coastguard

Mohamed Guefassa remains missing since 2016 arrest by Tunisian coastguard

Mohamed Guefassa, a 23-year-old Algerian from the region of Wilaya d'El Tarf, was arrested while trying to reach Sardinia by boat on October 2, 2016. He and 15 other individuals were intercepted in Tunisian territorial waters after having left Algeria.  

Tunisian fishermen who witnessed the arrest informed Guefassa’s brother about what had happened, saying that the group was transferred to Tunisia and incarcerated. Two months later, the families received phone calls from their missing relatives confirming that they were detained in Tunisia.
